Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshukan
Welcome to the website for the North American branch of the Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshukan (International Shakuhachi Training Institute or, KSK) headquartered in Tokyo.

The KSK was originally conceived of and founded by Yokoyama Katsuya , one of the premier shakuhachi players, teachers and stylists of the 20th century. His driving vision was to establish a study group that would be truly international in scope, and to create a training center in Japan that would attract students from the world over to come and learn “Classical Honkyoku” as he taught it.
While Yokoyama Sensei’s vision was largely realized before his untimely death in 2010, there is ample room for the Kenshukan to continue to mature and to grow in scope. To that end, the North America branch of the KSK has been created to help promote the goals and activities of KSK Japan for the benefit of students in the US and Canada.
Specifically, KSK-NA aims to
- Share information about the KSK itself, both its history and its current status as it continues to grow and develop; and,
- Keep you up to date about learning and training opportunities in the style of Yokoyama’s “Classical Honkyoku”.